Wild Violet
Scientific Name: Viola papilionacea
Weed Family: Violaceae


Wild violet is a winter perennial, growing 2 to 5-inches tall. It can have a taproot or a fibrous root system, and also can produce rooting stolons and rhizomes. The leaves can vary but usually are heart shaped, on long petioles with scalloped to shallow rounded margins. The flowers of wild violet range from white to blue to purple and appear from March to June. Wild violet flowers are pansy-like with three lower petals and two lateral petals on long single flower stalks. Wild violet is found throughout the United States, except for the Rocky Mountains. Wild violets is more common where they are sold as ornamental ground covers. 

Herbicide Use

Wild violet control will require a series of post-emergence herbicide applications. For best results, monitor turf closely and make herbicide applications as soon violets reach the two-leaf stage of growth. Herbicide application should provide some control up to the flower stage of growth.


Germination Dates

Zone-3: AugustZone-4: SeptemberZone-5: SeptemberZone-6: OctoberZone-7: NovemberZone-8: November