Scientific Name: Panicum repens
Weed Family: Poaceae
Coarse-textured, warm-season perennial with creeping, sharply pointed rhizomes. Stems stiff and erect. Leaves folded or flat and hairy on upper surface. Folded vernation. Small membranous ligule with fringe or hairs on upper margin. Seedheads usually with stiff, ascending, and spreading branches. Spikelets almost white, on tiny stalks. Fruits during warm months. Propagates primarily by rhizomes and seed.Weed Photos: Courtesy of Dr. Lambert McCarty. Clemson University. Clemson, SC.
Herbicide Use
Selective post-emergence control with repeat applications of quinclorac. Non selective postemergence control includes repeat applications of glyphosate. Check the herbicide label for specific application rates and turfgrass tolerance before use. Distribution
Germination Dates