Scientific Name: Aphanes microcarpa
Weed Family: Roseaceae


Parsley-piert is a low-growing winter annual. The fan shaped hairy leaves alternate on the stems. The leaves contain three lobes and each lobe is subdivided again into 3 to 4 lobes. The flowers are inconspicuous in the leaf axis. Parsley-piert spreads by seed. Parsley-piert is found from Maryland through Tennessee into Georgia. 

Herbicide Use

For optimum control of parsley-piert, make your post-emergence herbicide application to plants that are actively growing and in the seedling to flower stage of growth.


Germination Dates

Zone-3: April-SeptemberZone-4: April-OctoberZone-5: March-OctoberZone-6: February-NovemberZone-7: January-DecemberZone-8: JanuaryZone-9: January-December