Common groundsel is a winter annual member of the aster family. Groundsel has a taproot with a secondary fibrous root system. The sparsely hairy leaves are alternate on upright, many branched stems. The lower leaves are wavy margined to deeply lobed margins. Upper leaves are stemless and coarsely toothed to irregularly lobed. The flowers heads of common groundsel are composed of several yellow disk flowers. Common groundsel is a prolific seed producer. Seeds are produced within several weeks of groundsel germinating, resulting in several generations within the same year. Groundsel reproduces by seed. Groundsel is found throughout Canada and the United States and likes moist, rich soil.
Weed Photos: Courtesy of Dr. Lambert McCarty. Clemson University. Clemson, SC.
Herbicide Use
Make your post-emergence herbicide application to groundsel that is actively growing and in the seedling to flower stage of growth.

Germination Dates

PowerZone® Broadleaf Herbicide
Q4® Plus Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds
SpeedZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
SpeedZone® Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
SpeedZone® Southern EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
Super Trimec® Broadleaf Herbicide
Surge® Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
Trimec® 1000 Low Odor Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® 992 Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Bentgrass Formula Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Classic Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Encore® Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for Sensitive Southern Grasses
TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Tough Weeds