Scientific Name: Geranium
Also Known As: Carolina Geranium, Dovefoot Geranium
Weed Family: Geraniaceae


Geranium, also called Carolina and Wild geranium, is a semi-erect winter annual. The erect stems are branching and covered with hair. The alternate leaves are on long petioles and are divided into segmented leaflets which are blunt toothed. The flowers have 5 white to pink petals and form in clusters. The seed forms in a fruit capsule that forms a "storks bill.” Carolina geranium is found throughout the United States and Canada. 

Herbicide Use

Make your post-emergence herbicide application to wild geranium that is actively growing and in the rosette to flower stage of growth


Germination Dates

Zone-3: April-SeptemberZone-4: April-OctoberZone-5: March-OctoberZone-6: February-NovemberZone-7: January-DecemberZone-8: JanuaryZone-9: January-December